segunda-feira, 16 de abril de 2012


16 April 2012, Welcome to Palestine (Palestine)

"We, the undersigned, endorse the call from the Welcome to Palestine 2012 Initiative for supporters of Palestinian human and national rights around the world to openly visit Palestine during Easter 2012.

"There is no way into Palestine other than through Israeli control points. Israel has turned Palestine into a giant prison, but prisoners have a right to receive visitors.

"Welcome to Palestine 2012 will again challenge Israel's policy of isolating the West Bank while the settler paramilitaries and army commit brutal crimes against a virtually defenceless Palestinian civilian population.

"We call on governments to support the right of Palestinians to receive visitors and the right of their own citizens to visit Palestine openly.

"The participants in Welcome to Palestine 2012 ask to be allowed to pass through Tel Aviv airport without hindrance and to proceed to the West Bank to take part in a project there for children to benefit from the right to education."

SIGNED: Sam Bahour, Tony Benn, Noam Chomsky, Jonathan Cook, Hedy Epstein, Ambassador Manuel Hassassian, Ronnie Kasrils, Nurit Peled. John Pilger, Nawal Al Sadaawi, Vauro Senesi, Desmond Tutu

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