quinta-feira, 18 de agosto de 2016

Chomsky y Shapiro alaban papel de BDS en solidaridad con Palestina

16 agosto 2016, BioBioChile http://www.biobiochile.cl (Chile)
El anuncio de Israel, a fines del mes pasado, de construir de nuevos asentamientos en Cisjordania y ampliar otros en Jerusalem, generó condenas en Europa y Estados Unidos, pero estas parecieron generar tanto efecto, como las sucesivas resoluciones de Naciones Unidas que exigen el término de la ocupación.

Por Roberto Manríquez*

Mayor debate provocó la desaparición de Cisjordania y Gaza en el Google Maps, un error que fue reconocido por la compañía, que admitió que borró ambas denominaciones, aunque por razones que no explicitó. Sin embargo, como parte de su defensa Google afirmó con sencillez que “las quejas no tienen fundamento (puesto que) nunca hubo una etiqueta de Palestina en Google Maps”.

Sobre el papel crucial de Estados Unidos en el destino de Palestina, planteamos vía correo electrónico consultas a dos prominentes defensores de los derechos humanos de los palestinos, al reconocido intelectual Noam Chomsky (Boston) y al documentalista Adam Shapiro (Nueva York), ambos ciudadanos

Israel's liberal paper whitewashes the disappearance of Yemenite children

August 13, 2016, +972 Magazine http://972mag.com (Israel)

In the 1950s thousands of babies, children of mostly Yemenite immigrants to lsrael, were allegedly taken away from their parents and given up for adoption to Ashkenazi families. Now an investigative report by Haaretz reveals dozens of Ashkenazi children also disappeared, arguing that the crime was not racially motivated.

On Friday morning, Haaretz readers woke up to find that the newspaper had decided to dedicate its lead story to a piece titled “Dozens of Ashkenazi Babies Mysteriously Disappeared During Israel’s Early Years.” The article, written by Ofer Aderet, was labeled as an exclusive investigatory piece that tells the story of Ashkenazi families whose children disappeared during

¿Cuánta tierra palestina se comen realmente los asentamientos israelíes?

12 agosto 2016, Rebelión http://www.rebelion.org (Mexico)

Monitor de Oriente

Independientemente de su tamaño relativo, o incluso su destino en un futuro acuerdo de paz, los asentamientos de Israel en Cisjordania, en la actualidad, constituyen una grave y sistemática violación del derecho internacional y los derechos humanos. Son parte fundamental de un sistema de apartheid.

El gobierno israelí y sus partidarios rutinariamente minimizan la importancia de los asentamientos en Cisjordania como obstáculo para la paz con los palestinos. Un ejemplo reciente de esto vino de un portavoz de la Agencia Judía, que tuiteó: “Las comunidades judías en Cisjordania ocupan menos del 2% de la tierra; es decir, más del 98% de Cisjordania no contiene residentes judíos en absoluto”.

¿Es esto cierto? ¿Exactamente qué parte del territorio palestino ocupado (TPO) ocupan los asentamientos de Israel?

1. Lo que omite la cifra del 2%.
Los que citan la cifra del 2% rara vez aclaran que esto se refiere únicamente a la zona urbanizada de

Israeli Deputy Defense Minister on Tisha B’Av: “We’re not Ashamed. We Will Rebuild the Temple on the Temple Mount

August 14, 2016, Tikun Olam-תיקון עולם http://www.richardsilverstein.com (USA)

Today was Tisha B’Av, one of the most solemn days of the year for observant Jews.  It marks the destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans in 70 CE.  It is the day on which the Book of Lamentations, which commemorates the fall of Jerusalem, is recited in every synagogue in the world.

But in Israel, the firebrands of Israel’s most right-wing government ever aren’t in mourning.

They’re rejoicing at the prospect of rebuilding the Temple.  They have High Priests in training who are learning the ancient sacrificial rites at the Ateret Cohanim yeshiva in occupied East Jerusalem.  The Temple Institute, which is

segunda-feira, 15 de agosto de 2016

The Future belongs to the Optimists

13/08/2016, Gush Shalom גוש שלום http://zope.gush-shalom.org (Israel)

IF I were a cartoonist, I would draw Israel as a length of hose pipe.

At one end, Jews are flowing in, encouraged by anti-Semites and a large Zionist apparatus.

At the other end, young disappointed Israelis are flowing out and settling in Berlin and other places.

By the way, the numbers entering and leaving seem to be about equal.

FOR SOME weeks now, I have felt like a boy who has thrown a stone into a pool. Rings of water created by the splash get larger and larger and expand more and more.

All I did was write a short article in Haaretz, calling upon Israeli emigrants in Berlin and other places to come home and take part in the struggle to save Israel from itself.

I readily conceded that

My name is Tair Kaminer and I was recently released from prison

10 August 2016, Alternative Information Center http://www.alternativenews.org (Israel)

Written by Tair Kaminer

After spending 155 days in Israeli prison, Tair Kaminer reflects on her decision to refuse serving in the Israeli army. She is the longest serving female conscientious objector in Israeli history.

I sat in jail for 155 days. I sat in jail because I decided I wasn't prepared to serve in the army. I was not prepared to serve in an army that oppresses the Palestinian people, an army that allows our government to preserve the fragile security situation in the western Negev, an army that participates in besieging Gaza, an army that every day defends settlers by violating Palestinian rights.

My choice not to serve was essentially very personal. I don’t know

Right Wing Israeli Rapper ‘The Shadow’ Joins Ruling Likud Party

August 11, 2016, Forward http://forward.com (US)

Yoav Eliasi, the Israeli rapper known as “The Shadow,” has suggested on his Facebook page that Israel should castrate dead Palestinian attackers in order to deter Muslim “martyrs” who believe they will meet 72 virgins in heaven. He also said that medical teams responding to terror attacks should “cut out the organs” of dead Palestinians for transplant in Jewish bodies.

For anyone familiar with Israel’s notoriously extreme “talkback” culture — in which online comments sections spiral into hateful discourse — Eliasi’s comments might seem

Israeli journalists silent as their Palestinian colleagues are jailed

August 10, 2016, +972 Magazine http://972mag.com (Israel)


By Noam Rotem*

Palestinian journalist Omar Nazzal has been in custody without charges put in administrative detention for nearly four months. For the most part, his Israeli counterparts have remained decidedly silent.

(Palestinian journalists protest in solidarity with their colleague Omar Nazzal, who was put in administrative detention in late April, April 29, 2016. (Flash90)

The Union of Journalists in Israel made an appeal this week for solidarity with investigative reporter Sharon Shpurer, who was sued for libel by Urban, a real estate development company, after she revealed on her Facebook page that it was owned by a convicted human trafficker.

The union’s call to collectively foot the NIS 1.7 million bill, in the

segunda-feira, 8 de agosto de 2016

Lieberman Compares Iran to Nazis, Iran Deal to Munich Pact…Again

August 6, 2016, Tikun Olam-תיקון עולם http://www.richardsilverstein.com (USA)  

Lieberman: “This is what we’ll do 
to Khamenei if we get our hands 
on him!” (Jonathan Sindel/Flash90)

Over the past few days, a tempest has been brewing after Pres. Obama defended his Iran nuclear agreement by correctly noting that the entire Israeli defense and intelligence leadership acknowledges that it has improved Israeli and world security. This apparently angered defense minister Avigdor Lieberman, who couldn’t

Israel es un Estado perverso

5 Agosto 2016, Rebelión http://www.rebelion.org (Mexico)


Dejen de vivir en la negación

Después de hablar del nacionalismo y el racismo, el odio y el desprecio por la vida de los árabes, el culto a la seguridad y la adicción a la ocupación, la victimización y el mesianismo, todavía hay que agregar otro elemento, sin el cual no se puede explicar el comportamiento del régimen de ocupación israelí: la maldad. La maldad pura. La maldad sádica. El mal por el mal mismo. A veces, es la única explicación posible.

Eva Illouz describió sus señales (“El mal ahora”, edición hebrea de Haaretz, 30/7/16). Su ensayo, que cuestiona la idea de la banalidad del mal, considera al grupo nacional como la fuente del mal. Usando el concepto del filósofo Ludwig Wittgenstein, ella encuentra un “parecido de familia” entre la ocupación israelí y

Евреи Украины выступили с открытым письмом против героизации Бандеры и Шухевича

03.08. 2016, Фонд стратегической культуры http://www.fondsk.ru (Россия)

Лидеры 29 общин и общественных еврейских организаций Украины обратились к общественности страны с открытым письмом против попыток искажения ее истории и героизации лидеров националистов Степана Бандеры и Романа Шухевича.

"Мы хотим выразить серьезную озабоченность и выразить недоверие настойчивым попыткам искажения нашей общей истории, которые в последнее время предпринимаются активистами под эгидой Украинского института национальной памяти (УИНП). Это относится, в частности,

Apartheid, fascism – but mostly colonialism

7 August 2016, Alternative Information Center http://www.alternativenews.org (Israel)

Written by Michel Warschawski*

Struggling against Israel as a fascist or apartheid state must be a part of an anti-colonial struggle that Jews themselves participate in.
Fascism, apartheid
My friend and comrade Eli Aminov sent me a text that he wrote titled Fascism or Apartheid. In his piece, he argues with an article recently published in Haaretz and written by Professor Zeev Sternhell, a leading expert on European fascism. Sternhell’s article warns of fascism in Israel and convincingly demonstrates local developments reminiscent of Germany in the 1930s. In response, Aminov argues that the term “apartheid” is key to understanding contemporary Israeli society.

If we use the term “fascism” in its broadest sense rather than its classical definition  which assumes that a strong working class threatens the capitalist system and consequently must be destroyed  then Sternhell, Avrum Burg and others who use the term are right: in the past decade the radical right wing regime has employed violent means to thwart all opposition. Such means include passing anti-democratic laws, employing tactics of

An interview with Tallie Ben Daniel

28 July 2016, Alternative Information Center http://www.alternativenews.org (Israel)

Written by Alternative Information Center (AIC)

The problematic equation of anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism hasn’t stifled student movements for Palestinian human rights at U.S. universities. 
Tallie Ben Daniel is the Academic Advisory Council Coordinator for Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP). She completed her PhD in Cultural Studies at UC Davis in June of 2014 and is currently working on a book manuscript titled "Gay Capital: San Francisco, Tel Aviv and the Politics of Settler Colonialism." Ben Daniel talked to Molly Dubrovsky, the editor of alternativenews.org, about student movements on U.S. campuses campaigning for justice in Palestine. 

MD: What sort of obstacles are activists against Israeli occupation facing on university campuses in the U.S. today?
TBD: Anti-occupation activists on university campuses – students and faculty – are facing quite a few obstacles, but notably, those haven't hampered the struggle for Palestinian human rights – the movement grows by the day. The largest obstacle is