segunda-feira, 30 de abril de 2012

Tel-Aviv: Attackers throw Molotov cocktails at African refugee houses

28 April 2012/The Israeli Communist Party המפלגה הקומוניסטית הישראלית‎

Four Molotov cocktails were thrown early Friday morning toward the homes of refugees from Eritrea and Sudan and to a day care center in the Shapira neighborhood of southern Tel Aviv.

No one was injured in the racist attacks, and there was scant property damage caused. Shortly after the incident, large numbers of police swarmed the scene to investigate the incident.

Activists demonstrating against racism after a string of Molotov attacks on refugees in the Shapira neighborhood in Tel Aviv, Israel, on April 27, 2012 (Photo: Activestills)

The attacks are not the first in recent years to be suspected of being racially-motivated. In December 2010, a racially tinged demonstration was held in the same neighborhood against the large number of African refugees and migrant workers who reside there. The African community in Israel has been the target of numerous acts of violence in the past. In January of 2011, for example, a burning tire was thrown into the apartment five Sudanese refugees shared in Ashdod. The men suffered from smoke inhalation and two were hospitalized. Also in January of 2011, three teenage girls – the Israeli-born, Hebrew-speaking daughters of African migrant workers – were beaten by a group of Jewish teenagers. The attackers, one of whom was armed with a knife, allegedly called them “dirty niggers.” One of the girls needed medical treatment for her injuries.

On Friday a group of around 200 protesters demonstrated in Shapira near the site of one of the fire-bombings. They were met by a number of neighborhood residents who argued with them about their support of the African migrants.

Casas de refugiados africanos são alvo de bombas em Israel

27 de Abril de 2012, Rádio Moçambique

Quatro casas e uma creche de refugiados africanos em Tel Aviv foram alvo de ataques com bombas incendiárias durante a madrugada desta sexta-feira, em ataques que estão a ser atribuídos a um grupo de extrema-direita de Israel.

O ataque coordenado visou casas de africanos do Sudão e da Eritreia actualmente sob status de refugiados em Israel que moram ao sul da cidade de Tel Aviv.

Por volta das 2h de sexta-feira um coquetel molotov foi lançado contra um grupo de refugiados que dormia no quintal de um prédio, três bombas foram atiradas contra casas e a quinta atingiu uma creche frequentada pelos filhos dos africanos.

Não houve feridos porém todos os locais ficaram totalmente destruídos pelo fogo. O fotógrafo Oren Ziv, que mora ao lado de um dos prédios atacados, disse à BBC Brasil que acordou com o barulho no quintal.

"Vi o sofá, no qual um dos refugiados costuma dormir, a pegar fogo e imediatamente peguei na minha camera e saí de casa para registar o que estava a acontecer", relatou Ziv. "Logo chegaram pessoas a contar que outros locais também estavam a pegar fogo, inclusive a creche".

Uma das bombas foi lançada contra o quarto de duas refugiadas da Eritreia, que estavam a dormir no momento do ataque. "Os atacantes quebraram a janela e atiraram o coquetel molotov dentro do quarto, sabendo que havia pessoas a dormir lá dentro, foi uma tentativa de assassinato", acusa Ziv.

As refugiadas da Eritreia conseguiram fugir do quarto a tempo e não ficaram feridas.

Os moradores do bairro atribuem os ataques a um grupo de extrema-direita que é contra a presença dos refugiados africanos na região. O grupo, denominado "Comitê contra os infiltrados", alega que a presença dos refugiados africanos "afecta o valor dos imóveis no bairro e prejudica a qualidade de vida dos moradores".

"Tenho certeza que esse foi um crime de racismo", afirmou Ziv, "pois todas as bombas foram lançadas ao mesmo tempo e só contra alvos ligados aos refugiados africanos". O fotógrafo disse que os responsáveis prepararam, de antemão, mais de 15 coqueteis molotov, parte dos quais não explodiu.

Tel Aviv
Milhares de refugiados africanos moram no sul de Tel Aviv, nos bairros mais pobres da cidade. Vários moradores israelitas na região revoltam-se contra a presença dos imigrantes e atribuem-lhes a responsabilidade pelas duras condições de moradia.

"Trata-se de um problema social que tem que ser solucionado pela prefeitura, os africanos não têm culpa", diz Ziv, "mas os politicos de direita lideram o incitamento contra os refugiados e conseguem o apoio de parte dos moradores".

De acordo com o fotógrafo, os grupos de extrema-direita têm distribuido panfletos nos bairros do sul de Tel Aviv acusando os refugiados africanos de "estuprar as mulheres e roubar os empregos dos israelitas". A policia de Tel Aviv iniciou uma investigação dos ataques.


19 April 2012, Group 194 (Syria)

Beth Miller*

The first people I told were Safa and Imad. Good friends, they lived near me in the Aida Refugee Camp and invited me for lunch every Friday. I knew they were religious Muslims. Imad had told me that Israeli soldiers had killed his brother during the second intifada. But the topic of religion and politics was on the table, and now seemed like a good time.

I was scared. I knew I was speaking with friends, but I had a nightmarish image that they would throw the dish of rice and chicken into the air, grab the glass of sugary tea from my hand and smash it against the wall, bellowing, “Get oooouuuuuttt!”

I took a deep breath. “I’m actually Jewish. And I’ve always felt….” Who even remembers what I said next? I finished my sentence. Safa took my glass and refilled it. Imad said that he wanted to tell me three things. First, there are many similarities between Jews and Muslims. Second, he understands the difference between a Jewish person and the Israel Defense Forces. Third, it was shameful that I hadn’t yet gone to see more of the Jewish holy sites in Jerusalem.

It’s great to be a Jew in Palestine.

My shared taxi was waved over at the IDF checkpoint between Bethlehem and Ramallah. The soldier yanked open the door and looked inside. There was an old man in the front seat, three old men in the middle row, and in the back row myself, a businessman and a teenage boy. The soldier asked the teenager for identification and motioned for the boy to get out of the car. He was placed on a bench between another soldier and an IDF dog. The soldier told the driver to continue on. As we drove off, leaving the boy behind, I saw a third soldier, too scrawny for his uniform, walking toward the checkpoint, holding two pieces of matzo. He dropped them, and when he bent over to pick them up, his M16 fell forward, whacking him in the face.

It’s weird to be a Jew in Palestine.

I was at an IDF military compound. I was there because I’d been at a demonstration. In the West Bank, demonstrations are illegal. The boys next to me were detained for throwing stones. They had plastic cords binding their hands. When they cut the ties off the boy to my left, it took two men to wriggle the knife between the plastic cord and his skin. When they finally broke it off, his wrists were bruised and bleeding. I began speaking in Arabic to the woman to my right, until a soldier shouted, “Sheket!” I opened my mouth and closed it again, just barely stopping myself from finishing his sentence as I’d been taught in Hebrew school: with a singsong “b’vakasha — hey!” and then a big clap.

It’s frustrating to be a Jew in Palestine.

We showed our passports to the two young soldiers. Where was I from in the States? Chicago? Go Bulls! Passports back. My friends and I walked into H2 — the section of Hebron under complete control of the IDF and with the highest concentration of settlers.
First impression: Wild West. “High Noon.” I imagined a crow cawing; a vulture circling; tumbleweed blowing down Shuhada Street, bumping up against the concrete barrier that blocks off the small part of the road on which Palestinians are permitted to walk. I felt my belt, half expecting there to be a six-shooter. Nothing. But the young settler jogging with a baby stroller and wearing a rainbow yarmulke had an M16 slung over his shoulder.

I looked back at the soldiers. One of them was leaning against a wall, soaking in the sun. The other was moving in the direction of a young Palestinian boy.

Farther down the street, a couple more soldiers eyed us as we walked. One made a catcall at us. We kept walking. A few more soldiers were on the next corner, standing, alert, hands on their weapons. I looked up and saw more soldiers on the rooftops, looking down. One waved. In Hebron there are some 4,000 IDF soldiers to protect 500 Israeli settlers.

The street was lined with stores. Each storefront was welded shut. Many spray-painted with a Star of David, a menorah, or the Israeli flag. My friend pointed out that these were Palestinian shops that had been shut down by the settlers or soldiers.
I thought about the Palestinian man I’d just met, who told us how his son was blinded when a settler threw acid in his face on his way to school. Who told us how he often had to shut down his shop when settlers hurled urine-filled bottles from above onto the Palestinian market below.

Stars of David. Everywhere. On stores, on doors, on walls, on windows, on flags, on shirts.

We passed a sign explaining — in Hebrew and English — that this was an area of Hebron that had been “liberated” from the Arabs.

It feels awful to be a Jew in Palestine.

*Beth Miller is a 2010 graduate of Macalester College and has been working with a human rights organization in the West Bank for the past year and a half. She will be a candidate for a Master of Arts in human rights law at the School of Oriental and African Studies this fall.

Former Shin Bet Chief, Diskin Loses Confidence in Netanyahu, Barak Leadership

27 April 2012, Tikun Olam-תיקון עולם (USA)

Former Shin Bet director Yuval Diskin told an Israeli audience that he had no confidence in the leadership of Bibi Netanyahu or Ehud Barak:

“My major problem is that I have no faith in the current leadership, which must lead us into an event on the scale of war with Iran or regional war,” Diskin told the “Majdi Forum,” a group of local residents that meets to discuss political issues.

“I don’t believe in either the prime minister or the defense minister. I don’t believe in a leadership that makes decisions based on messianic feelings,” he added.

Diskin deemed Barak and Netanyahu “two messianics – the one from Akirov…and the other from…Caesarea,” he said, referring to the residences of the two politicians.

“Believe me, I have observed them from up close… They are not people who I, on a personal level, trust to lead Israel to an event on that scale and carry it off. These are not people that I would want to have holding the wheel in such an event,” Diskin said.

“They are misleading the public on the Iran issue. They tell the public that if Israel acts, Iran won’t have a nuclear bomb. This is misleading. Actually, many experts say that an Israeli attack would accelerate the Iranian nuclear race,” said the former security chief.

Considering that this was the fellow who ran Israel’s domestic security services during the entire reign of the current government, I’d say his dismissal of Netanyahu’s judgment and leadership is, or should be, a lightning bolt for Israelis. What’s more, Meir Dagan, the former Mossad chief has already voiced almost precisely the same views. Until now, Diskin had maintained a discreet public silence on the issues though it was common knowledge that he joined Dagan in opposing an Iran attack. This latest salvo will (hopefully) open the floodgates of criticism even farther.

Also, considering that neither the prime minister or defense minister are religious, attributing messianic motives to both should also be a warning. What is any leader, let alone one who doesn’t profess religious beliefs, doing falling back on such wild-eyed notions to govern national policy? Why does any leader believe his actions will save not just Israel, but the entire Jewish people?

These are the thoughts of megalomaniacs, not national leaders. And if they are national leaders they will lead to national catastrophe, rather than national salvation.


Os pesquisadores terão talvez de examinar nada menos que 14 séculos, do século 3 AC até o início do século 17, para encontrar outro regime que construa muros e barreiras em tal frenesi, na tentativa desesperada de conseguir manter-se sobre terras roubadas, semelhante ao que nós logo veremos também aqui, no sul do Líbano, na fronteira com Israel.

Por Franklin Lamb no Counterpunch

24 de Abril de 2012, Vermelho (Brasil)

No ano 221 AC, para proteger a China contra a invasão do povo Xiongnu da Mongólia – e a tribo Xiongnu era, então, o principal inimigo da China, e lutava para reconquistar terras que acusava os chineses de terem roubado –, o imperador Qin Shi Huang ordenou que se construísse um muro, para preservar as conquistas territoriais chinesas.

Ao longo da história, construíram-se muitos muros, para proteger terras ocupadas. Os romanos construíram o Muro de Adriano na Grã-Bretanha, para manter os pictos do lado de fora; e os alemães do leste construíram o Muro de Berlin, para manter do lado de dentro quem quisesse sair dali [nota da redação: o muro foi construído sob o argumento de dar um fim às provocações e sabotagens realizadas pelo regime capitalista da Alemanha ocupada pelos Estados Unidos]. Mas nenhum regime na história construiu, em 60 anos, a quantidade de muros que foram e continuam a ser erguidos pelo paranoico governo de Telavive. Agora, planejam outros cinco novos muros, chamados "barreiras de proteção antiterroristas", entre os quais um, cuja construção deve ser iniciada em breve, sobre a fronteira entre Líbano e Palestina, na cidade libanesa de Kfar Kila. E esse muro pode vir a criar problemas ainda mais graves que outros.

A decisão de erguer um muro "para substituir a barreia técnica israelense existente" ao longo da Linha Azul, junto à cidade de Kfar Kila, foi anunciada por Telavive na semana passada. O anúncio aconteceu depois de uma reunião entre militares israelenses e a UNIFIL [orig. United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon, Força Provisória da ONU no Líbano] e os dois lados continuam estranhamente silenciosos sobre esse novo muro; mas o porta-voz da UNIFIL, Neeraj Singh, deixou escapar, em conversa comigo, que a primeira parte do muro terá cerca de 500m comprimento e cerca de 5m de altura.

Moradores do sul do Líbano opõem-se fortemente à construção da muralha, dentre outras razões, porque bloqueará a visão das belas paisagens da Palestina que se veem dali. Outros tem rido das razões apresentadas pelo lobby EUA-Israel, que pedirá ajuda aos contribuintes norte-americanos para as despesas de construção do muro.

David Schenker, conhecido militante pró-Israel (até quando ser pró-Israel implica ser contra os EUA; em ing. Israel firster), ligado ao Institute for Near East Policy, em Washington, associado ao AIPAC, disse em audiência no Congresso, recentemente: "O sul do Líbano é área obviamente muito sensível [para Israel], muito próxima de Metula e via pela qual o Hezbolá e palestinos podem infiltrar-se. A preocupação de Israel é legítima. O governo israelense crê que o muro, naquele ponto, impedirá que terroristas lancem ataques diretos com foguetes e morteiros. Impedirá também que turistas que visitam a região lancem pedradas contra Israel, o que muitos fazem e já se tornou praticamente um hábito."

Observadores locais, oficiais da UNIFIL e especialistas como Timor Goksel, que trabalhou por 24 anos como porta-voz da UNIFIL na área da Linha Azul, têm-se mostrado surpresos e intrigados por Israel andar falando tanto de Kfar Kila como região particularmente perigosa, que necessitaria de muros.

Nada, de fato, jamais aconteceu ali; aquela área nunca foi perigosa nem "sensível", sequer quando a OLP controlava a região, nos anos 1970s. Goksel explicou: "Nos meus 24 anos de experiência, jamais houve ataques nesse ponto, porque é muito próximo de uma cidade libanesa; ataques nesse ponto criariam dificuldades, sobretudo, para os libaneses que vivem ali. Que eu saiba, ninguém jamais pensou em atacar ali. Além do mais, mesmo que alguém invada o território israelense por Kifa Kula, é preciso andar muito até encontrar o primeiro posto israelense. Não faz sentido algum atacar aqui. Atacariam quem, nesse local?"

Moradores locais comentam que o verdadeiro motivo para Israel querer erguer um muro em Kfar Kila é impedir que soldados israelenses troquem ali armas e informações, por drogas; como todos sabem na região, o problema do consumo de drogas entre soldados de Israel no "Comando Norte" aumentou muito, desde a campanha mal-sucedida de Israel, naquela região, na guerra contra o Líbano, em julho de 2006.

O mais novo muro da vergonha em Israel seguirá o traçado de outro muro, que está já em construção, ao longo dos 700 km de fronteira entre os desertos do Sinai e do Negev. Esse muro deverá estar construído até o final de 2012. Então, se se somar o muro de Kfar Kila, Israel estará quase completamente cercada por aço, arame farpado e concreto; com uma única abertura, na fronteira com a Jordânia, entre o Mar Morto e o Mar Vermelho, onde não há barreira física. Mas logo também haverá um muro nesse ponto, segundo informação de Shenker; explicou que o muro é necessário também ali, porque há "incerteza" na Jordânia e o reino mostra-se cada vez mais vacilante.

Há mais muro, a cerca de 11km do Mediterrâneo, ao longo da fronteira sul, que se encontra com a jaula que Israel já construiu em torno de Gaza. Esse muro estende-se por 51km e é protegido por uma faixa de terra fortemente minada; os palestinos não podem andar ali, e o muro invade cerca de 1km da estreita Faixa de Gaza; por causa desse muro, os palestinos proprietários não conseguem chegar às suas melhores terras para a agricultura. Esse "muro de segurança" mantém os palestinos enjaulados dentro de Gaza, mas não impediu que o soldado Gilad Shalit, do exército de Israel, fosse capturado, bem ali, em 2006.

Depois que Israel foi expulsa do Líbano, em 2000, depois de 22 anos de ocupação, a barreira ao longo da fronteira Palestina-Líbano foi reconstruída. Essa barreira não impediu que o Hezbolá, em 2006, invadisse território israelense e capturasse dois soldados israelenses, que adiante foram usados numa troca, para libertar militantes que Israel mantinha prisioneiros. Também não impediu que o Hezbolá disparasse seus muitos mísseis, em guerra de retaliação que durou 33 dias, depois que Israel bombardeou e destruiu vastas áreas no sul do Líbano.

Apesar disso, os "muros de proteção" continuam a brotar do chão, como cogumelos depois da chuva.

Mais para o leste do Líbano, está sendo erguido outro muro, sobre a linha do cessar-fogo traçada ao final da guerra de 1973, do Yom Kippur; passa entre as colinas do Golan - que Israel ocupa ilegalmente há cerca de 45 anos - e a Síria. Exatamente por aí centenas de manifestantes pró-palestinos entraram em território palestino ocupado, em maio passado, pelo Golan e ao longo da fronteira libanesa. Mais de dez manifestantes foram mortos, e muitos foram feridos, quando o exército sionista abriu fogo contra manifestantes civis desarmados.

Um posto de passagem em Quneitra, atualmente operado pela ONU, permite alguma mobilidade ao pessoal da ONU, dá passagem a alguns caminhões carregados de maçãs, a uns poucos estudantes drusos e a uma ou outra esporádica noiva síria de véu e grinalda[1].

Poucos quilômetros ao norte de Quneitra está a Colina dos Gritos [orig. Shouting Hill], onde famílias drusas do Golan gritam, de um lado de uma faixa de terra minada, para serem ouvidos pelos parentes e amigos que vivem na Síria, do outro lado da faixa minada de território sírio ocupado por Israel[2].

Rumo ao sul, por campos e colinas pesadamente minados, a linha do cessar-fogo de 1973 é semeada de bases militares e zonas militares vedadas, restos de tanques que sobraram de outros combates, até que se conecta com a fronteira com a Jordânia. Ali se une a um dos primeiros muros construídos por Israel, ainda no final dos anos 1960s, e que hoje se estende quase desde o Mar da Galileia, pelo Vale do Jordão, até o Mar Morto. A maior parte dessa linha não é fronteira de Israel; é, simplesmente, mais um muro, para separar a Jordânia, de um lado; e, de outro a Cisjordânia ocupada por Israel.

A cerca de dois terços do caminho, a barreira liga-se ao sempre infame muro de aço e concreto da Cisjordânia. Esse muro acompanha a linha do armistício de 1949, engolindo, na passagem, muitas áreas plantáveis de terras palestinas, rasgando ao meio vilas e comunidades e separando sitiantes e agricultores de suas plantações de oliveiras. Como sobre outros 18 muros e barreiras, o regime sionista diz que se trata de simples medida de segurança. Mas, para muitos, o muro marca o limite de um futuro estado palestino, e já consumiu mais 12% do território da Cisjordânia. Cerca de dois terços dos quase 748km de muro já estão prontos, quase todo ele uma barreira de aço, com largas faixas de exclusão dos dois lados. Segundo o traçado atual, 8,5% do território da Cisjordânia e 27.520 palestinos vivem do lado ‘israelense' da barreira. Outros 3,4% da área (com 247.800 habitantes) está completamente ou parcialmente já cercada pelo muro.

Duas outras barreiras semelhantes - a que separa Israel e a Faixa de Gaza; e o muro que Israel construiu, 7-9m, que separa Gaza do Egito (que foi temporariamente derrubado dia 23/1/2008), atualmente sob controle dos egípcios -, também têm sido amplamente criticadas pela comunidade internacional.

De volta ao tema do novo projeto de novo muro, cada vez mais o regime sionista dedica-se a impedir discussões, audiências, visitas, expressões de solidariedade com os palestinos; agora já tenta impedir, até, que, do sul do Líbano, se aviste o estado sionista militar. O movimento de impedir que se veja e reveja uma paisagem que há milênios fascina os viajantes é mais um passo na direção do autoisolamento de Israel, cada vez mais xenófobo.

Depois da reunião conjunta em Kfar Kila, o major-general Serra, da UNIFIL, disse: "A reunião foi convocada para ajudar Israel a implantar medidas adicionais de segurança ao longo da Linha Azul, na área de Kfar Kila, para minimizar as causas de tensões esporádicas ou de desentendimentos que poderiam levar a uma escalada da situação". O mais provável, de fato, é que o muro em Kfar Kila provoque efeito exatamente oposto.

Em recente visita ao campo palestino de Ahmad Jibril no vale do Bekaa, e em conversa com grupos salafistas em Saida, pude ver bem claramente que o muro logo virará alvo para prática de tiro; o que só dificultará o trabalho da UNIFIL e do Hezbolá, que tanto se esforçam para manter calma a região de fronteira.

Em comentário sarcástico, recentemente publicado no Yedioth Ahronoth, o jornal de maior circulação em Israel, Alex Fishman, conhecido analista da Defesa, escreveu: "[Israel] Nos tornamos uma nação que se autoaprisiona atrás de muros e cercas, que se encolhe aterrorizada por trás de escudos de defesa". Já é, disse Fishman, "uma doença mental nacional."

[1] Referência ao filme "A Noiva Síria" (dir. Eran Riklis, 2004). Mais sobre o filme em [NTs].

[2] Sobre a Colina dos Gritos ver 23/2/2009, "Families Shout Their Love Across Minefields in Golan Heights" [Famílias gritam seu amor, sobre a fronteira minada de território sírio ocupado por Israel, no Golan] em (NTs)

segunda-feira, 23 de abril de 2012


23 April 2012, EDITORIAL Haaretz הארץ (Israel)

If Netanyahu feels he lacks the political power to obey the High Court's directives he must dissolve the government and demand an electoral mandate for its peace and settlement policies.

The behavior of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and most of his ministers with regard to Beit El's Givat Ha'ulpana neighborhood recalls that of a career criminal who is undaunted by condemnation or punishment.

Despite the harsh response from the High Court of Justice, led by Supreme Court President Asher Grunis, to the government's request to postpone yet again the evacuation of the Migron outpost, Netanyahu has told Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein to "find a solution" that would allow the state to violate its promise to the court to demolish Givat Ha'ulpana's buildings by the end of the month.

As with the recent case of the so-called Machpelah House in Hebron, which settlers moved into without the necessary permits, our elected officials are competing with each other in attacking Defense Minister Ehud Barak, who dares to try to meet the state's commitment to the nation's highest court.

A year ago Netanyahu himself signed off on the state's promise to evacuate the dozens of families living in Givat Ha'ulpana and demolish their homes. He now says the court order is "a decree the public cannot tolerate." The prime minister should now explain to the Palestinian public how it is supposed to tolerate the theft of its land and to the Israeli public how it is supposed to tolerate the repeated lawbreaking in the territories for as long as it serves the interests of the settlers.

The size of Givat Ha'ulpana and the duration of its residents' use of the private Palestinian land on which it was built, with state support, are not mitigating circumstances but rather a badge of shame for the rule of law. The government's repeated postponements of its legal, moral and international obligations to evacuate the illegal outposts - particularly those built on privately owned Palestinian land - is no substitute for good policy.

If Netanyahu feels he lacks the political power to obey the High Court's directives he must dissolve the government and demand an electoral mandate for its peace and settlement policies. One can only hope that the public will shake off its apathy and cry out against stealing land from the helpless, breaking the law and spitting in the face of the justice system.

Read this article in Hebrew


20 abril 2012/Vermelho (Brasil)

A Arma Secreta de Israel é um documentário realizado pela BBC em 2003, que conta a história de Mordechai Vanunu, o denunciante das armas nucleares israelenses, que foi sentenciado a 18 anos de prisão pelo seu governo, dos quais 11 foram passados em isolamento. Veja o documentário, com legendas em português.

Tendo sido transmitido pela primeira vez em 2003, poucos dias antes do início guerra do Iraque, este é um importante documentário que nos mostra como a suposta “única democracia do Oriente Médio”, raptou um dos seus cidadãos em solo estrangeiro, tendo depois julgado-o secretamente, por este ter revelado ao mundo aquilo que já se suspeitava.

Que Israel tem um programa nuclear bastante avançado, calculando-se que o país possui um arsenal nuclear com cerca de 100 a 200 bombas atômicas, as quais, nunca foram inspecionadas pela comunidade internacional.

Este é um dos poucos documentários realizados sobre o assunto e que nos revela também o secretismo existente na sociedade israelense em todos os seus setores.

Um documentário bastante atual. Basta para isso, trocar a então situação do Iraque com a atual situação do Irã, para verificarmos que a retórica usada é mesma. Dois pesos e duas medidas.

O mundo exige tudo do Irã e nada de Israel.

Título Original: Israel's Secret Weapon, 2003, (44 minutos)
Realização: Olenka Frenkiel, BBC.
Tradução e legendas: Malandro (Português)
Fundamental! - Sinopse de Malandro
Fonte: Redecastorphoto

Mais textos
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Palestina: 320 organizações apoiam reivindicações de prisioneiros
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Dia dos Prisioneiros: palestinos propõem diálogo


18 April 2012 12:56 Alternative Information Center (Israel)
Two Israeli teenagers -- Noam Gur and Alon Gurman -- publicy refused to serve in the Israeli military earlier this week.

They explained that they refused to join the army because of Israel's occupation of the West Bank and siege on Gaza, and ongoing Israeli crimes committed against Palestinians. A group of Israeli activists demonstrated in front of the military base in Ramat Gan to support their decision.


20 abril 2012/Judios
Judíos antisionistas en Argentina, Judíos antisionistas en España, Red Internacional de Judíos antisionistas (IJAN)

El ghetto de Varsovia fue establecido por las tropas nazis que ocuparon Polonia en octubre de 1940. Durante los 3 años de existencia se estima que de las 400.000 personas que lo habitaron, fueron reducidas por deportaciones a campos de exterminio, por asesinatos y fusilamientos, a 50.000. Pero en ese rincón de Varsovia, en ese territorio hostigado, acosado y atacado, tuvo lugar una de las primeras revueltas masivas contra la ocupación nazi: el levantamiento se inició el 19 de abril de 1943.

Polonia era una parte más de los distintos países y territorios donde se libraba el espanto de la guerra. El Partido Socialista Polaco protestaba enérgicamente contra los persecuciones, y resistentes polacos ayudaron a los sitiados, tanto entrando en el ghetto como proporcionando medicamentos y armas. Se conformó el Comité de Ayuda a los Judíos, en el que se coordinaban varias organizaciones, incluso el comité de justicia del gobierno civil clandestino polaco, emitió varios decretos y condenas a muerte a quienes delataran o entregaran judíos a las tropas nazis. La población polaca sufría asimismo de los peligros y la represión que ejercían el ejército ocupante. La eliminación de los colaboradores con los nazis, se hacía saber mediante octavillas y carteles, y, junto al nombre figuraban los motivos de la condena.

Los gobernadores alemanes en Polonia, trasladaron al barrio judío de Varsovia, judíos de otros distritos y poblaciones cercanas. Inicialmente el perímetro fue cercado con alambres de púas y posteriormente levantando un muro de 3 metros de altura y 18 kms. de largo…
El ghetto era parte de la cadena de terror y destrucción de la política nazi. Dentro de los muros del ghetto, de acuerdo a la documentación recuperada, a los testimonios de los sobrevivientes, y la difusión que se expandía fuera del mismo, desde los primeros pasos del aislamiento, se iniciaron también caminos de resistencia.

Bajo el lema vivir con dignidad y morir con dignidad, y con una ajustada organización social, se trató de dar cabida a las múltiples necesidades de sus habitantes. Así funcionaba una biblioteca central, consultorios médicos, un instituto clandestino, un círculo dramático, se organizaban recitales poéticos, conciertos; obras de teatro y exposiciones de arte.

La vida cultural incluía periódicos clandestinos, que eran editados en polaco, en hebreo y en yidish. Se realizaban asimismo, ceremonias religiosas, tanto en lugares abiertos como en las casas de los rabinos; llamativamente había una iglesia construida para los judíos convertidos al catolicismo; se distribuían noticias del frente, había un receptor de radio; a pesar de todos los obstáculos se celebraban fiestas obreras, los comités de inmuebles ubicaban a los que llegaban según las urgencias, pero también construían refugios y planificaban la compra de armas. Se construían pasadizos y subterráneos secretos, se colocaban minas, etc. Es de destacar la labor de archivo de la documentación de los que vivieron en el ghetto, encontrándose numerosos ensayos, trabajos escolares, colecciones de arte, recetas, entradas de teatro, periódicos clandestinos, cartas, diarios personales, etc. Esta documentación fue escondida en tres partes distintas de las que se recuperaron dos.

En todas y cada una de las actividades trataba de rescatarse la vida frente al hambre, a las enfermedades, a los ataques nazis… En diciembre de 1942 se llegó a un acuerdo entre las diversas asociaciones. Así la resistencia judía clandestina se agrupó en dos organizaciones, por un lado, la Organización Judía de Combate, y por otro, el Comité Judío de lucha, un bloque antifascista, para preparar la respuesta por la vía armada.

La dificultad de conseguir armas generaba actos de heroísmo indescriptibles. Las batallas desproporcionadas cuerpo a cuerpo, con bombas de fabricación casera, la lucha de guerrilla, la resistencia en las cloacas…

Tres semanas de titánica lucha que acabó con la derrota de la resistencia, fueron incendiadas todas las casas y los nazis dinamitaron la sinagoga Tlomacki como signo del fin de la existencia del ghetto de Varsovia. Según los datos del jerarca nazi Stroop, informaba que tras el levantamiento 56.065 judíos fueron capturados durante los días de enfrentamiento y 631 búnkeres destruidos; entre 5.000 y 6.000 judíos murieron en combate, 7.000 fueron fusilados y otros 7.000 fueron deportados a campos de exterminio.

Estimaciones posteriores puntualizaron que también murieron 300 soldados alemanes.

Hasta aquí un relatoría memoriosa posibilitada por las voces que no sólo atravesaron el muro, atravesaron fundamentalmente el olvido y la manipulación.

Y llegados hasta aquí, la indignación por aquella barbarie nazi aún perdura porque con iguales tácticas de separación, aislamiento y cerco, se extiende un nuevo muro de la vergüenza que aísla Cisjordania y Gaza deparando a la población palestina, perjuicios inauditos. Han establecido el recurso perverso del apartheid contra los palestinos que son avasallados a vivir en un cárcel territorial impuesta por el sionismo negacionista de los derechos históricos de un pueblo, que con similares sufrimientos y esperanzas, encara un combate desigual, como antaño lo hicieran los resistentes de Varsovia.

El periódico del BUND (partido socialista judío antisionista) llevaba en su cabecera la consigna “Por nuestra libertad y por la vuestra”; y tenemos la absoluta convicción que en la misma contenía y contiene toda resistencia contra la injusticia y el oprobio.

Por todo lo anterior, queremos también como miembros de IJAN, Red Internacional Judía Antisionista, en estas líneas rendir un homenaje sin exclusión, a todos los inolvidables combatientes del ghetto de de Varsovia, y en especial a todos aquellos omitidos de la historia construida por sionismo.

Y porque esta historia no conoce aún un final digno en tanto y cuanto continúe el plan de exterminio del Estado de Israel sobre el pueblo palestino, cerramos provisionalmente estas líneas con Marek Edelman, adjunto de la insurrección y uno de los sobrevivientes del ghetto de Varsovia, (fallecido en esta ciudad, octubre 2009) , quien declaraba “Es en Israel donde nuestro recuerdo corre peligro de perderse”.


Red de Judíos Antisionistas
Judíos antisionistas en Argentina
Judíos antisionistas en España
Red Internacional de Judíos antisionistas (IJAN)



21 April 2012, Gush Shalom גוש שלום (Israel)

Uri Avnery אורי אבנרי

“In blood and sweat / A race will arise to us / Proud and generous and brutal…” Thus wrote Vladimir (Ze’ev) Jabotinsky, the founder of extreme right-wing Zionism, who was also a writer and a poet. Present-day Likud leaders see him as their forefather, much as Stalin saw Karl Marx.

The world “brutal” stands out, because it seems implausible that Jabotinsky really meant it. His Hebrew was not very good, and he probably meant something like “hard” or “tough”.

If Jabotinsky saw today’s Likud, he would shudder. His was a 19th century mixture of extreme nationalism, liberalism and humanism.

Paradoxically, brutality is the only one of the three traits that is prominent in our life today, especially in the occupied Palestinian territories. There is nothing there to be proud of, and generosity is something associated with the despised leftists.

THE ROUTINE, everyday brutality that governs the occupied territories was caught on video this week. A searing flash in the darkness.

It happened on Route 90, a highway that connects Jericho with Beth She’an along the Jordan River. It is the main road of the Jordan valley, which our government aims to annex to Israel one way or another. It is reserved solely for Israeli traffic and closed to Palestinians.

(There is a Palestinian joke about this. During the post-Oslo negotiations, the Israeli team insisted on retaining this road. The Palestinian chief negotiator turned to his colleagues and exclaimed: “What the hell, if we have got 89 other roads, why insist on this one?”)

A group of young international pro-Palestinian activists decided to demonstrate against the closure of the road. They invited their Palestinian friends to a jolly bicycle ride along it. They were stopped by a unit of the Israeli army. For some minutes they faced each other: the cyclists, some with Arab keffiyehs (headdresses) draping their shoulders, and the soldiers with their rifles.

The drill in such a situation is for the army to call the police, who are trained for this job and who have the means for non-lethal crowd dispersal. But the commander of the army unit decided otherwise.

What happened then was shown on a video clip taken by one of the protesters. It is clear, unambiguous and unequivocal.

The officer, a lieutenant-colonel, is standing opposite a fair-haired young man, a Dane, who was just looking on, neither saying nor doing anything. Nearby, protesters and soldiers are standing around. No sign of violence anywhere.

Suddenly the officer raises his rifle, holding it horizontally, one hand on the butt and one on the barrel, and then he drives the squared-off end of the magazine hard into the young Dane's face. The victim falls backward on the ground. The officer grins with satisfaction.

IN THE evening, Israeli TV showed the clip. By now, almost every Israeli has seen it a hundred of times. The more one sees it, the more one is shocked. The sheer brutality of this completely unprovoked act makes one flinch.

To veterans of demonstrations in the occupied territories, there is nothing new in this incident. Many have suffered brutality in many different forms.

What was unusual in this case was that it was caught on camera. And not a hidden camera. There were quite a lot of cameras around. Not only those of the protesters, but those of army photographers, too.

The officer must have been aware of this. He just did not give a damn.

The undesired publicity caused a national uproar. Obviously it was not the act itself that upset the military and political leadership, but the publicity it attracted. Coming at the same time as the glorious defense of Tel Aviv airport by 700 policemen and policewomen against the terrifying invasion of some 60 international human rights activists, such additional publicity was definitely unwanted.

The army Chief of Staff condemned the officer and promptly suspended him. All senior officers followed suit, the Prime Minister himself spoke out. As is well known, our army is “the most moral in the world”, so what had happened was the unpardonable act of a single rogue officer. There will be a thorough investigation, etc etc.

THE HERO of the affair is Lieutenant Colonel Shalom Eisner (“Iron Man”, in German).

Far from being exceptional, he seems to be the quintessential army officer, indeed the quintessential Israeli.

The first thing TV viewers noticed was the kippah on his head. “Well of course,” many murmured to themselves. For decades the national-religious movement has systematically infiltrated the officers’ corps of the armed forces, starting from officers’ induction courses and climbing up, with the aim of having one of their number end up as the army Chief of Staff. By now, kippah-ed lieutenant colonels are common – a far cry from the kibbutzniks who dominated the officers corps at the birth of our army. At the time of the incident, Eisner was a deputy brigade commander.

The national-religious movement, to which the core of the settlers belong, was also the home of Yigal Amir, the assassin of Yitzhak Rabin and of Baruch Goldstein, the mass-murderer of the Muslims in the mosque in Hebron.

One of the pillars of this movement is the yeshiva Merkaz Harav (“Center of the Rabbi”), where Eisner’s father was a prominent rabbi. During the evacuation of the Gaza Strip settlers by Ariel Sharon, Eisner Jr. was among the protesters. Last year Eisner was photographed on the very same spot on Road 90 fraternizing with extreme rightist demonstrators, who also protested on bicycles there.

He did not take the rebukes lying down. With unprecedented impertinence, he attacked the Chief of Staff, the Commander of the Central Front and his division commander for suspending him. He waved his bandaged hand to prove that he was attacked first and acted in self-defense. He even produced confirmation from some doctor that one of his fingers was broken.

That is highly improbable. First of all, the way he holds his rifle in the video would have been impossible with a broken finger. Second, the video shows that his act was not in reaction to any violence. Third, there were several army photographers around, who shot every detail (to be used as evidence if protesters were brought to trial in a military court). If any act of violence had taken place, their videos would have been displayed by the army the same day. Fourth, Eisner similarly struck two women protesters in the face and one male protester on the back- unfortunately off camera.

He fervently insists that he did the right thing. After all, he did break up the demonstration, right?

But he was not entirely without remorse. He publicly admitted that it “may have been a mistake to act this way in the presence of cameras”. With this the army and many commentators wholeheartedly agreed: they did not criticize his brutality, but his stupidity.

AS AN individual, Eisner is not very interesting. If armies refrained from enlisting stupid people, where would we be?

The trouble is that Eisner is not an exception, but rather a representative of a norm. There are some excellent people in the army, but Eisner typifies many officers who come out of the military melting pot.

And not only in the army. To paraphrase Jabotinsky: our educational system now produces “a race / stupid and mean and brutal”. How could it be otherwise after 60 years of relentless indoctrination and 45 years of occupation? Every occupation, every oppression of another people, corrupts the occupier and makes the oppressor stupid.

While still a teenager I worked as a clerk for an Oxford-educated, Jewish-British lawyer, many of whose clients were members of the British colonial administration. I found them mostly nice, intelligent and courteous with an engaging sense of humor. Yet the British administration acted with an astonishing lack of intelligence.

At the time I was a member of the Irgun, whose aim was to drive them out of the country. At my home there was an arsenal of guns, which were used to kill them.

Living between the two worlds, I constantly asked myself: how can these nice English people behave so stupidly?

My conclusion was that no colonial masters can behave intelligently. The colonial situation itself compels them to act against their better nature and their better judgment.

As a matter of fact, during the first years of the Israeli occupation, it was widely praised as “enlightened” and “liberal”. The then Minister of Defense, Moshe Dayan, gave orders to treat the Palestinians as generously as possible. He let them trade with the enemy and listen to enemy broadcasts to their heart’s content. In a gesture without precedent, he kept open the bridges between the West Bank and Jordan, an enemy country. (I joked at the time that Dayan, never having read a book, did not know that this was unthinkable.)

Behind this policy there was no benevolence – just a belief that if the Arabs were allowed to live their daily lives in peace, they would not rise up, but put up with an eternal occupation. Indeed this worked more or less for some 20 years. Until a new generation started the first intifada and the occupation became – well, stupid, mean and brutal. Along with the officers in charge.

TWO DAYS ago, Israel observed the annual Holocaust Remembrance Day. In this connection, I would like to quote Albert Einstein, a Jew and a Zionist:

“Should we be unable to find a way to honest cooperation and honest pacts with the Arabs, then we have learned absolutely nothing during our two thousand years of suffering and deserve all that will come to us.”

segunda-feira, 16 de abril de 2012

Israel’s state of siege: interior minister as border police

16 April 2012, Alternative Information Center (Israel)

Michael Warschawski

Hundreds of security personnel are busy closing Israel’s borders to international citizens whose only goal is to come, see and testify. By doing so, our Interior Minister confesses that Israel has a lot to hide. Nothing new indeed.

(Photo: Israeli Minister of Interior Eli Yisha is busy closing Israel's borders to Nobel Prize winning authors and human rights activists)

I doubt if Israeli Minister of Interior Eli Yishai ever red one line of Gunter Grass’ literature, and I am almost sure he never heard about the Nobel Prize laureate before the latter published a poem on the danger that Israel represents for the future of our planet.

Nevertheless, Yishai put Gunter Grass on a black list and forbid his entry to Israel. By doing so, Yisha may hope to divert local public opinion from the upcoming conclusions of the Inquiry Commission on the huge fire in Mount Carmel last year, and the expected harsh recommendations on the failure of his ministry in this regard.

Poor Gunter Grass! The author of The Tin Drum, who is very much welcome in each and every country of our planet, will not be able to come to Israel! Yishai, however, did not keep only Grass out of the country. He closed the borders to several hundred activists who intended to come to Bethlehem – not to Israel –to express their solidarity with the Palestinian population which suffers under 44 years of colonial occupation. The problem that should have been dealt with a long time ago by the Palestinian Authority is the lack of possibility to reach the occupied Palestinian territory without having to pass through Israel's borders; as long as the Palestinians will not have sovereignty over their borders, in the West Bank as well as in Gaza, any talk about "a Palestinian state" is nonsense, even if they will be granted a seat in the United Nations. Statehood is, first of all, sovereignty over borders, and the absence of such sovereignty makes the "Palestinian state" a mere Bantustan.

In order to grasp the severe mental illness of the Israeli authorities, one should read the letter addressed by Amnon Shmueli, head of the immigration Authority at Israel’s Ben Gurion Airport, to the airlines companies and the open threats included in this document:

"To all Airlines

Subject: Denied entry

1. 1. Due to the statements of pro-Palestinian radicals to arrive on commercial flights from abroad to disrupt the order and confront security forces at friction [sic] points,, it was decided to deny their entry in accordance with our authority according to the Law of entry in Israel (1952)
2. 2. Attached is a list of passengers that are denied entry to Israel. In light of the above mentioned, you are ordered not to board them on your flights to Israel.
3. 3. Failure to comply with this directive will result in sanctions against the airlines [my emphasis, MW]
4. 4. This list is partial and at a later stage you will be advised of additional names.

Most likely there will be additional activists, that their names we will not be able to advice in advance, that their entry to Israel will be denied"

Poor us! Like with the Gaza-bound 2010 Freedom Flotilla, like with other flotillas and flytillas, hundreds of security personnel are busy closing Israel’s borders to international citizens whose only goal is to come, see and testify. By doing so, our Interior Minister confesses that Israel has a lot to hide. Nothing new indeed.


16 April 2012, Welcome to Palestine (Palestine)

"We, the undersigned, endorse the call from the Welcome to Palestine 2012 Initiative for supporters of Palestinian human and national rights around the world to openly visit Palestine during Easter 2012.

"There is no way into Palestine other than through Israeli control points. Israel has turned Palestine into a giant prison, but prisoners have a right to receive visitors.

"Welcome to Palestine 2012 will again challenge Israel's policy of isolating the West Bank while the settler paramilitaries and army commit brutal crimes against a virtually defenceless Palestinian civilian population.

"We call on governments to support the right of Palestinians to receive visitors and the right of their own citizens to visit Palestine openly.

"The participants in Welcome to Palestine 2012 ask to be allowed to pass through Tel Aviv airport without hindrance and to proceed to the West Bank to take part in a project there for children to benefit from the right to education."

SIGNED: Sam Bahour, Tony Benn, Noam Chomsky, Jonathan Cook, Hedy Epstein, Ambassador Manuel Hassassian, Ronnie Kasrils, Nurit Peled. John Pilger, Nawal Al Sadaawi, Vauro Senesi, Desmond Tutu

Flytilla participants protest cancellation of tickets by airlines

15 April 2012, Alternative Information Center (Israel)

Israel bans 'flytilla' activists but hundreds left in Europe … Israel on Sunday barred 43 pro-Palestinian activists who had flown in for a "Welcome to Palestine" campaign as hundreds more would-be protesters were stranded at airports across Europe.

As hundreds of police deployed at Israel's main international airport in a bid to stop activists from entering, Europe's main airlines faced a wave of passenger fury after cancelling some 300 tickets following heavy Israeli pressure.

By late afternoon, police said they had detained 43 passengers on suspicion of being part of the fly-in campaign, better known as the "flytilla," with all facing deportation.
Organisers of "Welcome to Palestine," now in its third year, had been expecting to welcome up to 1,500 people as part of a campaign to expose Israel's control of movement both into and out of the occupied territories.

But only three activists managed to reach a news conference held by organisers in the West Bank town of Bethlehem in the early evening.

Israel had vowed to prevent the activists' entry, warning airlines they would be forced to foot the bill for the activists' immediate return home in a move which saw many carriers toeing the line.

With airlines cancelling at least 300 passengers' tickets, scores of activists staged angry demonstrations at airports in several European capitals.

At Brussels airport, protests erupted after at least 100 French and Belgian nationals were unable to board flights with Brussels Airlines, Lufthansa and Swiss Air.
In Geneva, several dozen activists held an angry demonstration after around 45 people out of a group of 70 who had been planning to join the campaign were barred from boarding an easyJet flight.

Scores of activists also protested at Charles de Gaulle in Paris, where airport sources said 90 passengers had been prevented from boarding Lufthansa and Swiss Air flights for Tel Aviv.

Flanked by dozens of anti-riot police, they marched up to the Lufthansa counter to demand an "official written statement" as to why they had not been allowed to fly.

At Istanbul airport, another 50 activists were stranded after Turkish Airlines reportedly refused to allow them on board, Anatolia news agency reported.

In Vienna, Austrian Airlines said five passengers were barred from flights to Tel Aviv, and in Rome, Alitalia turned back seven Italian activists, press reports said.

Air France and two British budget carriers, and easyJet, also barred an unspecified number of passengers, with easyJet confirming it had prevented activists from flying to Israel from London and Switzerland.

Despite the success of its diplomatic campaign to pressure European carriers not to allow activists to board flights for Tel Aviv, Israel deployed hundreds of police at its main international airport with orders to "exercise restraint, but to intercept any troublemakers."

Sunday's arrests took place far from the whirring cameras with police detaining activists from France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Canada and Portugal.

Thirty-one of those detained had refused to board planes back to their homelands, police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld told AFP.

"Twelve have been sent back to the destinations from which they arrived, and the rest have been transferred to a prison in Ramle (near Tel Aviv)," he said, adding that most of them were French.

In addition, Rosenfeld said, "nine Israelis were detained for being involved in public disturbances at the terminal."

More flights were scheduled to arrive from Europe in the evening and the police will remain on site, he added.

Israeli officials hailed their counter campaign as successful.

"A few activists attempted to arrive and create a provocation; dozens were arrested," Internal Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovich said according to Israeli media.

"My goal was to prevent a provocation and a public disruption, and that goal was achieved."

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told activists to concentrate on solving "real problems" in the region.

"We appreciate your choosing to make Israel the object of your humanitarian concerns," he said in a letter dated Saturday. "We know there were many other worthy choices. You could have chosen to protest the Syrian regime's daily savagery against its own people, which has claimed thousands of lives. "We therefore suggest that you first solve the real problems of the region, and then come back and share with us your experience," added Netanyahu.

"Have a nice flight."

At the Bethlehem news conference, organisers dismissed Netanyahu's letter as "ridiculous."

"When Israel says it is the sole democracy in the Middle East it contradicts itself by deporting people," Amira Musallem said.

"Democracy isn't only about women being able to talk freely."

One of the three activists who managed to attend the news conference slammed the Israeli internal security minister for saying the "Welcome to Palestine" campaign was provocation.

"We are not criminals," the activist said. "We should all be able to fight -- peacefully -- for what we believe in."

Last year, around 800 people tried to join the campaign, with many blocked from flying by airlines. Another 120 were denied entry by Israel and deported.

Palestinians and internationals attacked during biking trip in Jordan Valley

by Joseph and Emiliano*

15 April 2012/International Solidarity Movement, West Bank (Palestine)

Palestinian and international cyclists were brutally attacked by the Israeli occupation forces on Saturday as they attempted to bike up Route 90, the main North-South highway running through the Jordan Valley. The cyclists were demonstrating against Israeli apartheid policies in the Jordan Valley, which limit Palestinian access to roadways as part of an ongoing campaign of ethnic cleansing against the indigenous Bedouin communities of the Valley.

One Palestinian woman and two international activists from Denmark and Holland were evacuated to the hospital with injuries after being struck in the head with an M-16 rifle, and one international activist was handcuffed and detained for over an hour before being released without charges.

Over one hundred activists from Palestine and around the world participated in the bike protest, organized by Sharek Youth Forum. Participants rode approximately 5 kilometers before being blocked by Israeli occupation soldiers and jeeps at the entrance to Route 90. Soldiers informed the bikers that they would not be allowed to continue “for their own safety.” When activists peacefully attempted to continue on their way, the local commander of the occupation forces swung his rifle at the head of multiple activists, resulting in the hospitalizations of the three activists and the detention of a man from Sweden.

Palestinian drivers on Route 90, the Jordan Valley’s main north-south route, face regular harassment and attacks from Israeli settlers and soldiers. Palestinian drivers and cyclists are frequently pulled over and searched for no reason, and in some places Palestinians are even prevented from turning across the road at places Israelis have free access to.

The Jordan Valley faces a concerted Israeli campaign of ethnic cleansing towards the Palestinians living there. Demolitions of homes occur with frequency, and the Israelis are currently stealing the vast majority of the valley’s land and water. The majority of the fruit and vegetables produced on this stolen land are exported to Europe and North America. The bike demonstration was part of a day of demonstrations and festivities that included visits to villages, a youth dubke performance, and speeches. The events aim to send the message to the world and the occupying forces that the people of the Jordan Valley and Palestine refuse to cede their land to the illegal occupation and will continue to resist and remain on their land.

* Joseph and Emiliano are volunteers with International Solidarity Movement (names have been changed).

Second year of hysterical Israeli reaction to Welcome to Palestine

15 April 2012, Alternative Information Center (Israel)

Sergio Yahni

The Israeli government has responded with laughable hysteria for the second year in a row to the Welcome to Palestine Initiative, in which hundreds of international activists openly declare their intention to visit Palestine when landing in Tel Aviv.

Statement, of dubious legality, which Israel's Ministry of Interior is forcing selected visitors to Israel to sign in response to the Welcome to Palestine Initiative

Since the eruption of the Second Intifada in September 2000, tens of thousands of international activists have come to the occupied Palestinian territory to learn about the Palestinian reality and to express their solidarity by participating in demonstrations and sharing the life and hardships of Palestinians living under Israeli occupation.

However, this is the second time that participants in the Welcome to Palestine initiative decided that when arriving to Israel’s Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv, they won't hide their intentions. In the eyes of the Israeli immigration authorities, this decision has transformed them into a "security threat."

In the first edition of Welcome to Palestine Prime Minister Netanyahu personally visited Ben Gurion Airport, on his way to Bulgaria and Romania, and instructed various government agencies, including Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch, Police Commissioner Yohanan Danino and other security officials to “act decisively against attempts to create a provocation at the airport". Netanyahu further instructed security forces to avoid unnecessary friction with the international activists.

Although such a visit did not occur on April 15, the signs of Israeli hysteria were there. The Oz Unit, Israel’s privatized immigration police, cancelled their planned strike and the Israeli police posted 650 policemen in the airport. While some of the police officers were in plainclothes, the images from Ben Gurion are reminiscent of a military coup.

Israeli authorities perceive in the arrival of the international activists a danger to Israel's image, which may undermine current efforts to “re-brand” Israel in international public opinion. However, there is no need for international activists to damage the attempts to re-brand Israel; it is enough to read a new statement visitors are requested to sign in order to be allowed into Israel.

“I undertake that a cant be a member of any pro Palestinian Organizations and not to be in contact with any other Members of any pro Palestinian organizations, as well I will not participate in pro Palestinian activities. I understand that if I will be caught doing one of these things, all relevant legal actions will be taken against me including deportation and refusal of entry to Israel” (Errors are in the original).

In international public opinion polls, Israel is one of the most abhorred countries in the world. The 2011 EastWest’s global nation brands perception index scored 150 out of 200 countries. Israel came in behind states such as Eritrea and Chad. The hysterical reaction to international activists arriving to Ben Gurion Airport and expressing their solidarity with the Palestinian people is not about to improve this image.

domingo, 15 de abril de 2012

Western Media Places Burden on Iran to Prove Seriousness in Nuclear Negotiations

April 15th, 2012 Tikun Olam-תיקון עולם (USA)

To enter into the world of the Iran-P5+1 nuclear negotiation is like scurrying down a rabbit hole and finding that words mean precisely what Iran’s enemies wish them to mean–nothing more or less. In other words, before the talks began the NYT’s Steven Erlanger could write that western intelligence was attempting to parse the “dense fog” of Ayatollah Khamenei’s utterances on the nuclear question. Meaning, of course that Barack Obama and Bibi Netanyahu have consistently been crystal clear in their every statement on the subject.

The fact that a subsequent second meeting has been scheduled for May means, again according to Erlanger’s anti-Iran perspective, that Iran passed a test that it engaged “seriously” in the first meeting: A senior American official at the talks emphasized that this meeting was about testing Iran’s seriousness.

Not a hint of the possibility that it is Israel and the U.S. whose sincerity may be doubted or that they too have something to prove. It is objectionable to paint Iran as the sole bad guy. There is more than enough blame to go around.

I have written here for months, if not years, that as long as the onus is put solely on the Iranians, they are always the ones whose seriousness is doubted, or who have something to prove–talks will fail. Such notions are racist at their heart. For every claim of perfidy or backtracking we can blame Iran, we can find two such examples from Israel and the U.S. The notion that non-western wannabe nuclear states are always the ones who engage in fraud or deceit is offensive and false.

Erlanger even raises a claim offered by that most notorious of references, “some analysts,” who raise the offensive religious claim that Iran would use deliberate lies as an approved part of its Shiite theological tradition during negotiations. Such claims are worthy of Daniel Pipes but not of a serious newspaper. Especially since Erlanger doesn’t even bother to offer a source for this claim.

Israeli leaders and war hawk analysts repetitively warn of Iran’s lying and reneging on such commitments. To hear them tell it, Iran never met a negotiation it didn’t sabotage, and it is the most untrustworthy interlocutor known to the world today. While the motives and actions of the west, of course, are pure as the driven snow.

On a related matter, yesterday the Times reported that Iranian Nobel laureate Shirin Ebadi, who lives in exile and is no friend of the regime, attacked the notion that economic sanctions were either an effective or moral tool in their use to bring Iran to its knees and its senses regarding its nuclear program. She said the only people harmed by this would be the vulnerable common folk, certainly not the leadership.


11 Mars 2012, Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei (Iran)

L'énergie nucléaire dans l'optique du Guide suprême de la Révolution islamique

La bonne et la mauvaise utilisation du savoir
La science sans morale
Le sens véritable du progrès
La technologie nucléaire
Une technologie autochtone
Une compétition inéquitable pour l'acquisition de l'énergie nucléaire
Les raisons du vacarme médiatique sur le nucléaire iranien
La puissance matérielle et spirituelle
La nécessité de détruire les armes à destruction massive
La menace pour la paix mondiale
La logique de l'Iran contre les pressions des puissances arrogantes
Les revendications des nations
La violation des droits légitimes
L'Iran n'a pas besoin d'armes nucléaires

L’énergie nucléaire dans l’optique du Guide suprême de la Révolution islamique

La bonne et la mauvaise utilisation du savoir
Les technologies de pointe à la disposition d'une nation parfaite et éthiquement saine, seront une source de bénédictions. Les armes modernes à la disposition d'une nation sage et parfaite, ne poseront pas de dangers. La situation sera toujours la même.
Pourquoi cette énergie est-elle devenue une menace pour les nations ?
Ils produisent des bombes atomiques comme les Américains l'ont fait à la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale qui ont été à l'origine d'un désastre pour les Japonais ou comme la catastrophe dans une usine nucléaire de l’ex-Union soviétique qui a provoqué la mort d'un grand nombre de personnes. Les problèmes de la technologie nucléaire viennent du pouvoir effréné des grandes puissances. Si le pouvoir du gouvernement arrogant des Etats-Unis est limité dans le monde, la menace nucléaire diminuera automatiquement.
Autant que les progrès de la connaissance humaine, le mot « atome » rappelle aussi malheureusement la plus grande catastrophe historique et le plus grand génocide causés par la mauvaise utilisation de ces acquis scientifiques. Même si de nombreux pays ont entrepris la production et le stockage d'armes nucléaires, ce qui en soi peut être considéré comme une forme de préméditation et une menace pour la paix mondiale, un seul gouvernement s'est rendu coupable d'un crime atomique jusqu'à présent, c'est-à-dire le gouvernement des États-Unis qui a effectué la première attaque nucléaire contre la population innocente d'Hiroshima et de Nagasaki au Japon, dans une guerre inégale et inhumaine

La science sans morale
Aujourd'hui, les sciences avancées et modernes de la civilisation et du monde occidental ne sont pas capables de sauver l'humanité parce que cette civilisation n'est pas attentive aux valeurs humaines.
Partout où la science existe sans la conscience, la spiritualité, la morale et les sentiments humains, l'humanité n'est pas en mesure de bénéficier de ce savoir. La science sans spiritualité et morale, se transforme en bombe atomique et est un danger pour les innocents. Cette science a été utilisée pour fabriquer des armes et tuer des civils au Liban, dans les territoires palestiniens occupés et dans d'autres parties du monde. Cette science a produit des armes chimiques mortelles qui ont été utilisés dans la région d'Halabcheh (en Iran) et d'autres régions du monde pour tuer les femmes et les enfants, les êtres humains et les troupeaux.
D’où viennent ces produits chimiques ?
Ces produits chimiques mortels ont été produits par les centres scientifiques européens. Ce sont eux qui ont produit ces armes chimiques et les ont offertes à un régime sans scrupule ni conscience. Ces armes et ces productions scientifiques ne sont pas en mesure d'apporter le bonheur aux êtres humains ni le salut aux familles ni la joie de vivre aux hommes, aux femmes et aux enfants parce qu'elles ne sont pas accompagnées de la morale et de la spiritualité.

Le sens véritable du progrès
L'amour pour la spiritualité et une relation étroite avec Dieu sont les facteurs les plus importants qui garantissent de véritables progrès aux nations. Sans cela, tous les résultats appelés communément "progrès du monde moderne" peuvent être utilisés dans une mauvaise direction. Est-ce qu'un pays moral et discipliné en termes de comportements sociaux, peut acquérir le savoir et la richesse et les utiliser pour anéantir une autre nation ? Ceci est inacceptable.
Selon notre logique, il n'est pas juste pour un pays d'utiliser son savoir pour produire des armes comme les armes nucléaires qui anéantissent aussi bien les soldats armés que les civils, les enfants, les bébés et les peuples opprimés une fois qu’elles sont larguées quelque part. Nous n'apprécions pas du tout et n’estimons pas comme un progrès, une science qui donnerait lieu à ces évènements et un pays qui se comporterait de cette manière. L'amour pour la spiritualité, le respect des sentiments humains et de l'amour entre les humains, doivent être intensifiés et il faut que nous nous agissions dans ce sens.

La technologie nucléaire
La technologie nucléaire est une des plus grandes réalisations de l'Humanité et peut et doit être mise au service du bien-être, du progrès et du développement de toutes les nations du monde et de toutes les sociétés humaines. Les domaines d'application des sciences nucléaires sont très larges et couvrent les besoins médicaux, énergétiques et industriels, qui ont tous une importance essentielle. C'est pour cette raison que la technologie nucléaire occupe une position éminente dans notre vie économique et qu'avec le temps et en fonction de l'augmentation de nos besoins médicaux, énergétiques et industriels, son importance s'accroîtra de jour en jour, et nos efforts s'intensifieront pour la production et l'exploitation de cette énergie. Les nations du Moyen-Orient comme les autres nations dans le monde, cherchent la paix, la sécurité et le progrès, et ont le droit d'utiliser cette technologie pour assurer leur statut économique et la prospérité des générations à venir. Un des objectifs de la propagande contre le programme nucléaire civil de la République islamique d'Iran est d'empêcher les nations de la région d'accorder une attention sérieuse à ce droit, naturel et précieux.

Une technologie autochtone
À la grande déception de l'ennemi, la République islamique d'Iran a acquis elle-même cette technologie nucléaire. L'Iran est membre de l'Agence internationale d'énergie atomique et a signé le Traité de non-prolifération nucléaire. Selon les règlements, l’Agence est censée fournir certaines aides à l'Iran. Les sionistes et les Etats-Unis ont annoncé au monde entier qu'ils voulaient priver l’Iran de ces aides. Les jeunes scientifiques talentueux et brillants iraniens ont réussi à acquérir progressivement cette technologie sans l'aide d’autrui. La technologie nucléaire est différente de la construction de bombes atomiques. La technologie nucléaire est une croissance scientifique dans un domaine qui offre de nombreux avantages. Ceux qui sont à la recherche de la construction de bombes atomiques doivent s'engager dans une certaine branche de la technologie nucléaire. L'Iran n'est pas à la recherche de la bombe atomique et est même opposé aux armes chimiques. Même quand l'Irak utilisait les armes chimiques contre l'Iran, nous n'avons jamais essayé d'en fabriquer. De telles entreprises ne sont pas en conformité avec les principes de la République islamique d'Iran.

Une compétition inéquitable pour l’acquisition de l’énergie nucléaire
Le peuple chinois a fait de grands progrès scientifiques mais il faut tenir compte du fait qu'en 1948 quand la Chine communiste s'est constituée, ce pays n'avait rien et s'est relevé grâce à l'aide technologique de l'U.R.S.S qui avait un gouvernement plus expérimenté en termes d'idéologie et de progrès scientifiques et technologiques, et a fourni à la Chine tout ce qui était nécessaire. C'était à l'époque de Staline. L'existence d'un grand pays comme la Chine qui bien entendu, n'avait pas à l'époque une si grande population mais était un pays vaste et très peuplé, à côté de l'Union soviétique et au cœur de l'Asie, était très importante pour l'Union soviétique. Par conséquent, les Russes ont fourni à la Chine tout ce dont elle avait besoin et même l'énergie nucléaire.
Mais nos jeunes eux, ont acquis cette énergie par leurs propres efforts alors que les Chinois l'ont reçue de l'Union soviétique. La Chine et la Russie l'ont aussi offerte à la Corée du Nord. Si vous étudiez ce qui s'est passé, vous verrez que les résultats obtenus par des pays comme la Chine, sont tous dus à l'appui exceptionnel qu'ils ont reçu d'autres pays. C’est aussi le cas de l’Inde et cela pour d’autres raisons. Le différend entre la Chine et la Russie plusieurs années après Staline, considéré comme un différend entre l'Orient et l'Occident et peut-être un peu plus sérieux que cela, a poussé les Russes à aider l'Inde qui est un pays voisin de la Chine. Les Chinois eux, ont commencé à aider le Pakistan qui était un rival de l'Inde. Ceci montre bien que les facteurs politiques ont joué un rôle dans le choix des alliés. D'une part, la Chine a fourni la technologie nucléaire au Pakistan et d'autre part, la Russie a fourni l'énergie nucléaire et d'autres technologies à l'Inde. L'Inde et le Pakistan ont donc reçu cette technologie d'autres pays.

Les raisons du vacarme médiatique sur le nucléaire iranien
Ils font tout un brouhaha aujourd'hui dans le monde, sur l'affaire de l'énergie nucléaire.
Quelle est la position du monde vis-à-vis de l'Iran en particulier les pays d'Asie, du Moyen-Orient et les pays islamiques ?
Les Etats-Unis prétendent, les yeux fermés, que "le monde est contre l'enrichissement de l'uranium en Iran".
Non ! Vous ne connaissez pas le monde, vous ne le voyez même pas. Les nations du monde et les gouvernements de plus de cent pays non alignés, une cinquantaine de pays islamiques réunis dans l'Organisation de la Conférence Islamique (OCI), le mouvement des non-alignés et de nombreuses autres nations dans le monde sont contre le monopole de l'énergie nucléaire par certaines puissances arrogantes et admirent le peuple iranien pour son courage et sa persévérance dans ce domaine.
La nation iranienne poursuit son chemin avec détermination et force, et dans la joie, grâce à cette jeune génération, sage et intelligente, qui aujourd'hui se développe de jour en jour et approfondit une pensée qui remet en question les fondements idéologiques du monde occidental, et est un cadeau spirituel au monde de l'islam et aux nations musulmanes qui obligera le front de l'arrogance à reculer.
Les sionistes qui ont occupé les territoires palestiniens et le gouvernement américain qui fait preuve d’une grande hostilité et d'une profonde rancune contre la République islamique, sont prêts à utiliser tous les moyens possibles pour atteindre leurs objectifs malveillants. Ils répandent de fausses idées dans le monde, sur l'Iran qu'ils accusent d’être à la recherche de l'arme nucléaire. Pour atteindre leur objectif, ils ont sensibilisé l'opinion publique et de nombreux gouvernements sur cette question. Après cette propagande mensongère, ils ont essayé de convaincre le monde que les efforts scientifiques et les activités nucléaires de l'Iran représentaient une menace.
La République islamique leur a permis d'inspecter ses centres d'enrichissement. Ils sont venus dans notre pays pour surveiller nos activités d'enrichissement et ont été autorisés à inspecter partout où ils soupçonnaient un dérapage dans les activités d'enrichissement, afin qu'ils comprennent que la propagande des sionistes était un mensonge. Cela a été une attitude pacifique de notre part pour défendre notre technologie nucléaire.

La puissance matérielle et spirituelle
Pour défendre ses idéaux, toute nation a besoin de se renforcer et d'accroître sa puissance.
Bien sûr, la puissance définie par la religion est différente de celle qui existe dans la perspective matérialiste. Du point de vue matérialiste, le pouvoir réside dans la force militaire, les équipements avancés et perfectionnés, et les armes à destruction massive comme les armes nucléaires, chimiques et biologiques. Mais pour nous, le vrai pouvoir réside dans la nature des actes de ceux qui s'efforcent de défendre leurs droits et de réaliser leurs nobles idéaux, et qui sont prêts à faire toutes sortes de sacrifices pour atteindre leurs objectifs, ceux qui essaient de promouvoir la justice et les justes valeurs, et n’utilisent jamais leur puissance de manière brutale et injuste. Ils n'humilient et n’oppriment jamais les autres et n’agissent jamais de façon arrogante. Ils ne s'attaquent jamais aux territoires des autres nations pour piller leurs richesses nationales et leurs ressources naturelles.
Par contre, ceux qui comptent sur la puissance matérielle n'ont aucun respect pour les droits des autres ni pour les valeurs morales et spirituelles, car ils suivent la loi de la jungle. Ils pensent que puisqu'ils sont puissants, ce sont eux qui détiennent la vérité. C’est une grande erreur et une conclusion erronée.

La nécessité de détruire les armes à destruction massive
Depuis l'explosion des premières armes nucléaires utilisées par les États-Unis à Hiroshima et Nagasaki, et cette catastrophe humaine sans précédent dans l'Histoire, qui a mis en danger la sécurité du monde, la communauté internationale s'est montrée unanime sur la nécessité d'éliminer totalement ces armements. Non seulement l'utilisation des armes nucléaires a contribué à de vastes massacres et destructions, sans aucune distinction entre les militaires et les civil, les adultes et les enfants, les hommes et les femmes, les vieux et les jeunes, mais a eu aussi de graves conséquences qui ont dépassé les frontières politiques et géographiques, et ont porté préjudice aux générations suivantes.
Il est clair que toute utilisation et même toute menace d'utilisation de ces armes, sont une transgression évidente des droits humains et des cas évidents de crime de guerre.

La menace pour la paix mondiale
Du point de vue militaire et sécuritaire, après l'accès de quelques puissances à cette arme inhumaine, il est devenu évident qu'une victoire dans une guerre nucléaire était impossible et que son utilisation était irraisonnable et inhumaine. Pourtant, malgré ces évidences morales, logiques, humaines et même militaires, les demandes successives de la communauté internationale pour l'anéantissement de ces armes que possède un groupe limité de gouvernements qui bâtissent leur sécurité imaginaire sur l'insécurité internationale, ont été passées sous silence.
L'insistance de ces gouvernements pour maintenir, augmenter et renforcer le pouvoir de destruction de ces armes qui n'avaient et n'ont aucune fonction à part l'intimidation, la terreur collective et la création d'un faux sentiment de sécurité basé sur une force dissuasive assurée par la grande puissance de destruction de ces armes, a contribué à la poursuite de ce cauchemar nucléaire. De colossales ressources économiques et humaines sont consacrées à cette compétition démentielle pour que chacune des superpuissances ait l'illusion de jouir d'un pouvoir dix-mille fois plus fort que celui de ses rivaux, et de pouvoir détruire tous les habitants du globe, y compris eux-mêmes. Ce n'est pas pour rien que cette stratégie a été nommée force de dissuasion fondée sur une "destruction mutuelle assurée", une vraie folie en quelque sorte.
Ces dernières années, certains gouvernements ont dépassé la «doctrine de dissuasion et de destruction mutuelle", et ont mis l'accent sur le maintien du choix nucléaire dans la lutte contre les contrevenants au TNP, alors que les plus grands responsables de violations du Traité de non-prolifération sont les pouvoirs qui, en plus du mépris de leurs engagements à l'article 6 du TNP sur le désarmement nucléaire, ont dépassé les autres pays dans la prolifération verticale et horizontale de ces armements. Ils ont joué un rôle direct dans la prolifération de ces armes en équipant le régime sioniste au niveau nucléaire et en soutenant les politiques de ce régime. Ceci est contraire à l'article 1 du TNP et constitue une grave menace pour le Moyen-Orient et le monde. A la tête de ces gouvernements se trouve le régime arrogant et oppresseur des États-Unis.

La logique de l'Iran contre les pressions des puissances arrogantes
Les Etats-Unis doivent savoir que la République islamique d'Iran n'est pas un pays belliciste. La République islamique dans le cadre de ses principes, est opposée au bellicisme. L'Iran n'est pour aucune guerre. Tout le monde doit le savoir. C'est une position que tous les responsables de la République islamique partagent unanimement. Tous les responsables du gouvernement de la République islamique considèrent comme leur devoir d'éviter la guerre. Les principes islamiques exigent que l'Iran envoie un message d'amitié, de paix, d'amour, de sécurité et de tranquillité.
La nation iranienne est porteuse d'un message. Ceux qui n'ont rien à dire essaient naturellement de faire du bruit afin que personne ne puisse l'entendre. Ceux qui cherchent à imposer leur volonté préfèrent le tumulte alors que ceux qui ont des raisons logiques préfèrent une ambiance paisible dans laquelle ils puissent les présenter.
Le front capitaliste et colonialiste, à l'aide de ses réseaux médiatiques, politiques et économiques, exerce des pressions sur la nation iranienne pour l'obliger à renoncer non seulement à ses droits dans le domaine nucléaire qui sont légitimes, mais aussi à son droit à l'indépendance, au progrès scientifique et à sa liberté de décision. La nation iranienne avance aujourd'hui dans la voie du progrès scientifique et technologique, pour rattraper deux siècles de retard hérités des monarchies. Nos ennemis sont alarmés et ne veulent pas laisser notre nation qui se situe dans une partie stratégique du monde, atteindre ces objectifs. Ils ne veulent pas que la nation iranienne soit considérée comme le porte-étendard de l'Islam. C'est la raison pour laquelle ils exercent ces pressions mais la nation iranienne reste ferme. Les Etats-Unis ont appris par expérience, que les armes nucléaires sont inefficaces dans une confrontation avec les peuples et leur volonté. Ces armes peuvent intimider les gouvernements et les armées, mais ne peuvent jamais intimider les peuples.

Les revendications des nations
La nation iranienne a des objectifs élevés. Le slogan nucléaire crié dans diverses parties du pays "L'énergie nucléaire est notre droit incontestable" n'est pas une déclaration simple et ordinaire. Beaucoup de pays ne connaissent pas l'énergie nucléaire et ne savent pas qu'elle est un de leurs droits. Même s'ils le savaient, ils ne pourraient pas avancer dans ce domaine. Mais notre nation sait qu'il s'agit d'un critère de progrès actuellement, et qu'une nation perdrait beaucoup à ne pas en disposer. Notre nation qui sait aussi qu'il s'agit d'un droit indéniable, en a fait son slogan et le réclame à ses responsables. Elle sait aussi que son pays a le droit de jouir de ce droit légitime sans tenir compte de personne et sans l'aide d'autres pays. Cela est très important. C'est le vœu de notre nation et l'espoir de notre pays.
Aujourd'hui, le monde a les yeux fixés sur la nation iranienne et est encouragé par notre nation. Aujourd'hui, les slogans anti-impérialistes de la nation iranienne se répandent dans le monde de l'islam. Si vous vous rendez dans les pays islamiques, quel que soit leur système politique, vous remarquerez que les peuples estiment et admirent vos idéaux et vos slogans anti-impérialistes, de défense des opprimés, de soutien à la nation palestinienne et d'opposition au réseau sioniste. C'est la meilleure façon d'exporter la Révolution islamique. Aujourd'hui vous constatez que le slogan de l'énergie nucléaire, la résistance de la nation iranienne et la défense de ses droits, ont pris une telle envergure dans le monde de l'islam que les responsables des pays islamiques et arabes déclarent que l'énergie nucléaire est aussi une revendication de leur nation.

La violation des droits légitimes
La violation des droits de cette région par les Etats-Unis n'est pas limitée à quelques cas isolés. Depuis des années, ils nient le caractère civil de notre programme nucléaire. Voyez comment ils déforment les réalités et les mensonges qu'ils répandent, voyez les efforts qu'ils font pour s'opposer à la volonté d'une nation qui cherche à défendre ses droits légitimes et une réussite qu'elle a acquise par ses propres efforts. Notre nation affirme qu'elle ne cherche que l'énergie nucléaire civile, eux prétendent que la nation iranienne cherche à produire des armes nucléaires.
Pourquoi profèrent-ils de tels mensonges ? Pourquoi disent-ils de telles choses et poussent-ils la nation iranienne à les haïr ? C'est ce qu'ils font depuis des années. A plusieurs reprises, le peuple et les représentants du gouvernement ont annoncé officiellement qu'ils n'étaient absolument pas à la recherche de l'arme nucléaire qui n'a aucune place dans les besoins de la nation et le système militaire du pays. Nous croyons que l'utilisation d'armes nucléaires est religieusement illicite et interdite, et qu'il est du devoir de tous de faire des efforts pour protéger l'humanité contre ce grand danger. Nous croyons qu'en plus des armes nucléaires, les autres armes de destruction massive comme les armes chimiques et biologiques, constituent également une grave menace pour l'Humanité. Le peuple d'Iran qui a été lui-même victime de ces armes chimiques, est plus conscient des dangers de leur production et de leur stockage, et est prêt à mettre toutes ses ressources au service de la lutte contre ces armements.
Le plus étonnant est que le seul et unique responsable de crime nucléaire dans le monde prétend lutter contre la prolifération des armes nucléaires, alors qu'il n'a pris jusqu'ici et ne prendra pas dans l'avenir, aucune mesure sérieuse pour l'application de ses slogans. Si les slogans des États-Unis sur leur lutte contre la prolifération des armes nucléaires n'étaient pas un mensonge, comment le régime sioniste réussirait-il à contourner les règlements internationaux en particulier le Traité de non-prolifération (TNP) et à transformer les territoires occupés de Palestine en un centre de stockage d'armements nucléaires ?

L’Iran n’a pas besoin d’armes nucléaires
Ils confondent la technologie nucléaire et le développement des armes nucléaires. La vérité est différente. La technologie nucléaire et les armes nucléaires sont deux choses différentes et n’ont aucun lien entre elles. Les armes nucléaires sont à base d'uranium enrichi à plus de 90% grâce à l'utilisation de technologies complexes. Seuls ceux qui veulent produire des armes nucléaires s'engagent dans cette voie. La République islamique d'Iran n'a pas cette motivation et ne s'est jamais engagée dans cette voie. L'Iran n'a pas besoin de bombe atomique. L'Iran a vaincu ses ennemis sans recourir à l'arme nucléaire. La nation iranienne a réussi à vaincre les Usa pendant toutes ces années. N'est-ce pas une réalité ? Les Iraniens ont-ils vaincu les Etats-Unis grâce à leurs armes nucléaires ou en s'appuyant sur leur détermination, leur volonté, leur foi, leur vigilance et leur unité ?
L'Iran sait ce qu'il veut et sait comment l'obtenir. L'Iran avance dans ce sens et ne se laissera pas intimider par les menaces de telle ou telle puissance. C'est ainsi que l'Iran a surmonté ses ennemis. Il n'a pas utilisé d'armes nucléaires pour le faire. L’ex-Union soviétique ne disposait-elle pas de bombes atomiques ? Ses bombes atomiques étaient probablement plus nombreuses que celles des Etats-Unis et pourtant l'Union soviétique a disparu. La défaite et la victoire dans les domaines importants, ne sont pas déterminées par de telles choses.
La République islamique d'Iran a présenté un modèle au monde de l'Islam, un modèle de démocratie religieuse qui est un modèle d'indépendance et de gloire nationale. Aujourd'hui, le monde de l'Islam s'est retourné contre les Etats-Unis, et les nations du monde crient "Mort à l'Amérique". Quelle nation a la première, criée ce slogan ? En dehors de la République islamique et de la nation iranienne, qui a lancé ce slogan ?
Aujourd'hui tout le monde crie ce slogan. L’Iran islamique n'a pas fait de progrès en s'appuyant sur la bombe atomique. Il n'est pas possible de remporter des victoires mémorables et historiques, en s'appuyant sur de telles armes. Le régime sioniste ne dispose-t-il pas de bombes atomiques ? On estime que le régime sioniste a stocké 200 à 300 ogives nucléaires. Mais ces dernières années, le régime sioniste a été impuissant contre des gens qui n'avaient même pas d’armes et dont la seule arme était quelques pierres. Bien sûr, les pierres qu'ils jettent sont accompagnées de la volonté et de la foi.
L'Iran n'est pas à la recherche de la bombe nucléaire. Pourquoi l'Iran chercherait-il à fabriquer l'arme nucléaire ? Quand une bombe atomique explose elle ne touche pas que les ennemis. Au contraire, elle tue aussi des innocents et cela est contraire aux principes islamiques et aux principes de la République islamique d'Iran. Une bombe atomique ne fait aucune distinction entre les bons et les mauvais et ce n'est pas ce que la République islamique recherche. La République islamique s'appuie sur quelque chose qui ne peut pas être touchée par les bombes, les invasions étrangères et d'autres choses semblables qui ne font que renforcer la détermination du peuple.

sexta-feira, 13 de abril de 2012


12 April 2012, Haaretz הארץ (Israel)

Israel will not stand idly by as thousands of activists prepare to arrive on Sunday; it will not miss an opportunity to look ridiculous in the eyes of the world.

By Gideon Levy

And with what shall we frighten the Israeli public in advance of the seventh day of Passover? How will we provide the dose of fear to which it has long since become addicted? After a week of a quiet and safe vacation, we have to find something, after all. The Iranian threat has entered a negotiations freeze, terror is quiet, even the Grad missiles have diminished in number, there is no mass plague on the horizon and even the circumstances of the attack against the Jew in Kiev have not become sufficiently clear.

But Israel has not been abandoned, and the Israeli mind finally hit on something: the pro-Palestinian fly-in "provocation," as it has already been called. The minister of public security is convening feverish consultations, the airlines have received the "blacklist" prepared in advance by the omniscient security networks, the crime reporter - of course this is about crime, what else? - has already been sent to Ben-Gurion International Airport to greet the looming danger.

Israel is prepared for D-Day this coming Sunday. They say 2,500 activists will land in Israel and sow great fear. Although the crime reporter explained to the nation that the activists do not plan to bear arms or resort to violence, still, when it comes to danger, to terror, to scare-mongering, the forces are already prepared for the big day. The last time, about a year ago, it ended with 127 detainees who were immediately expelled, as they deserved, and the danger was nipped in the bud.

The intentions of the organizers - a visit to demonstrate solidarity with the Palestinian people, a trip directly from Ben-Gurion to Bethlehem without any violent intent - were immediately blurred and replaced with the usual Israeli accusation: terror and delegitimization. As we accuse any peace lover or human rights activist.

Had Israel not inflated the story to such terrifying dimensions, few people would have paid attention to this innocent protest. Had Israel also welcomed them warmly and sent them on their way to Bethlehem, that would have embarrassed them and even undermined their objective. But the State of Israel will not stand by idly. It certainly won't miss an opportunity to look ridiculous and even more contemptible in the eyes of the world. It will immediately turn them into personae non grata, as it did to Gunter Grass, as well as an airborne threat.

Entry into Israel is permitted only to its declared friends. Not a Spanish clown and not a German writer, certainly not human rights activists. An ignorant, extremist, Christian American right-winger is welcome; an intellectual, conscientious European left-winger is sent to the expulsion cell. Israel 2012.

In the case of flotillas as well as fly-ins, these are activists, most of whom mean well. The Swedish writer Henning Mankell turned to us before the most recent flotilla to Gaza: "For once report the truth. Don't you see that there is no declaration of war here, but a declaration of peace?" And of course his words fell on deaf ears. Mankell participated in two flotillas to Gaza, was expelled twice from Israel in disgrace, and published his harsh impressions in the world's leading newspapers.

Had Israel not confiscated his computer and his property and treated him like a terrorist, his impressions would have been different. Had Israel invited him to present its viewpoint, perhaps his criticism would have been less harsh. Mankell and his friends will not give up. Now another flotilla is being organized in Sweden, this time on a sailboat carrying flowers, which we will probably also treat as though it were an aircraft carrier about to attack Israel.

The roots of this paranoia are deep and thought-provoking. Were Israel convinced of the justice of its path, it wouldn't behave this way. If Israel really thought the occupation is just and legal, it wouldn't be frightened by every conscientious activist who opposes it. If it had nothing to hide, it would respectfully invite them to visit.

But when the ground is burning beneath our feet, and the fire of doubt and insecurity is consuming everything, the only response is a violent and unrestrained attack. On Sunday, when the farce of arrests and the grotesque expulsion take place once again, the activists will register another significant victory: Once again they will prove that Israel does have something to hide, that in spite of all its propaganda, Israel is well aware that there are skeletons in its closet and anyone who dares come near them will suffer the same fate - expulsion.